domingo, 11 de maio de 2008

First post

Dear Ariane,

I found myself with some time this evening and wanted to make your blog really cute so that you would use it more often.

I just want you to know that I thin kiof you often and whenever I see butterflies or anything dealing with butterflies, I think of you. Which is why I wanted you to have this cute layout for your blog.

Now I just need to figure out how to use the translation option on blogger so that you can write in portuguese and I can still read what you write.

Trust me, you are going to want to use your blog a ton when your baby comes so that your parents can keep up on all that is going on and see pictures of her every day.

Anyway I hope you like the blog, feel free to change anything you don't like.

Love Laurie

1 comentários:

Barbara disse...

Ola querida....q bom q vc tem blog...assim eu posso me livrar do meu flog e vc ainda vai saber de tudo q esta se cansei daquilo la...acho q nao vo sentir falta nao...aqui vc posta videos e fotos amando...
bjks querida...e da uma passada la no meu pra vc ver...
PS: posta aquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,hehehehehe